Rating & Policies


I write honest and critical reviews for other readers, not for promotion. I don’t accept any external considerations other than review copies. I post my reviews on this blog as well as GR.  I always try to post my reviews in a timely manner, unless life gets in my way*hollers at life to no effect*. My taste buds long for experience and I experiment with various genres in the fictional realm.

For submissions: contact me at my email. I accept electronic as well as hard copies. While I try my best to review every book I receive, sometimes, due to one reason or another, I am unable to. If you wish to set a time frame, please provide prior information.

How I rate ‘em~

While I review them, I don’t rate books I didn’t finish.

1 Star: Hated it. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone, much less an intelligent life form like myself. Or perhaps, to the dog that chased me around the roof when I was a kid.


2 Stars: I didn’t like it . It was nothing special or gripping. Couldn’t hold my interest. Wouldn’t recommend for you to buy it. Steal someone else’s copy if you’re so inclined.


3 Stars: It was good enough but nothing majorly interesting. Very likely continue the series and look up other works of the author’s, but not necessarily.


4 Stars: Liked it very much. Awesome+sauce which isn’t edible. Definite recommendation.


5 Stars: Once I give you a teeth-baring dragon, you’d be a fool to not read it. Even if you don’t like it afterwards, ’cause I’m sure we’ll find something to gush about. But mostly these are the books that’ve had some kind of impact on me, emotional or otherwise.


Besides- 1/2 Star: Because I’m a very giving reader.


3 thoughts on “Rating & Policies

Hush there. People will hear. Why don't you type it out instead?